Podcasting with 1st Grade
I really enjoyed this. The children created an interview. They took turns being the interviewer or being interviewed. This was a great way for kids to learn about the events that took place in their book. The kids did such a good job. This is a wonderful tool for teaching history lessons because the children learn to ask the questions as well as answer them. This is a way to integrate technology into a history lesson.
Flat Stanley Podcast
What fun. The kids were really enthusiastic about this one. they each got to be "Flat Stanley" and tell about their "trips." They each told where they had been what they had done there, what it was like and how they got home. They each did this with such detail. At the end when they returned they got the teacher to "unflatten them. This was a fun way the kids to learn about places other than their hometown. One child went as far as Israel where the Israeli prayed for rain and another went hiking in Alabama and learn the chant Roll Tide.
Benefits of podcasting in the classroom.
This was an interesting piece. I had not thought of using a podcast/vodcast like a study guide but why not? As a unversity student I have recorded lectures and listened to them later. A vodcast would allow a student to hear as well as see what a teacher is presenting. I reaaly like this idea. It is a great way for students to get extra input. Also it is a innovative way for kids to share what they have learned, like with mock interviews with historic figures.
Hey Chris,
ReplyDeleteI agree that the pod-casting would be good for history lessons. It is easier to learn at a young age when you get to act things out and make it more about playing. The kids don't even realize they are learning too.
Do you think you will be a podcasting teacher?
Hello Chris,
ReplyDeleteI think you had a great post. I agree that the kids did a good job with podcasting. Especially since so many people don't even realize what it is. I agree with you that as a college student I've also used vodcast so podcasting is a great way for students to get extra input.