Saturday, February 2, 2013

Special Blog post #1

Facts can be used to show all kinds of things. They can used against a point or for a point it all depends on how the facts are presented. I noticed the way the facts were presented and thought about the population size difference but didn't know the answer so I just kept going. We have to notice and check these things especially as teachers we must be observant at all times.

This is a pretty neat tool. I searched "compare mobile, Al and Fairhope, Al. I found all sorts of information: population density, how far it is from one city to the next, the weather in each city. Also it gave statistic on "education attainment" in which the stats seemed a bit skewed on their own but when looking at them in conjunction with all the other factors like population and income they made a little more sense. I did a couple more like Mobile, Al compared to Moscow, and Mobile, Al compared to Beijing, China, and for some reason these yielded little more than population, elevation and weather. For toots and giggles I put in Apples vs. Oranges in the search field. You would believe the data.Among these were per serving size: fiber, calories, fat even density to name a few.
Students could use this a million different ways. It is always neat to learn new things. This is a great tool. when I learn something new I am always saying oh so it's kind of like.... I am a very visual learner so if I can compare it to something it makes more sense. So for students this could very well help the to see differences and similarities to a whole range and variety of things.

Social Media Count
This is a very interesting and telling tool. Technology is exploding right before our eyes or in some cases behind our backs. We must realize technology is growing exponentially in ways that could forever change the way we teach and learn.
Social networking, blogging and things like video classroom where children across the world can share a lesson together. Maybe even kids who are sick and can't come to class could do so through the use of technology. It is very exciting to learn about new technology and to put it to use.

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