Tuesday, April 23, 2013

C4k 9- final

Today's post was from Cheyanne she wrote a post called character development. It seems to be a description of the main character in the books she is reading. I encouraged her to post descriptions on the other characters and that it sounded like and interesting one so far.
Today's post was from Shakira, a 5th grader. She told about her year so far. She spoke a lot about math and what her class was doing lately. They recently worked on perimeter and area. She told of a dice game they played to help them learn these concepts. She also told about a couple of science experiments they were conducting.
I have really enjoyed reading the kids blogs. The kids have always impressed me. They always step up to the plate and hit a homerun. I am excited to have a class of my own and get the kids blogging so I can see what they accomplish in writing.

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